Monday, 4 September 2017

Altar of an Abandoned Sun

Ooh! Some excellent Shyish/Death based news & articles from the Warhammer Community and beyond:

This lad will be an instant purchase for the Host.

A campaign focused on Death? Yes please!

This article from the excellent Mengel Miniatures is a great read about doing some Nighthaunt modelling: From the Mind of Mengel: Tomb Banshee

Finally my absolute must listen at the moment is Altar of an Abandoned Sun available now at Bandcamp.  The track An Old Sad Ghost seem particularly apt for the army...

Friday, 1 September 2017

Shyish is a big place...

Well summer has truly put a spanner into the regular gaming plans but they have once again picked up and so I can catch up on the campaign updates.  I did however, manage to get in a skirmish game recently with the most excellent Tears of Envy.

We both wanted to play an Arabian Night themed games and after looking through my collection I was able to piece together a brand new warband made up of a mysterious warlock, his assassin henchman and a gaggle of Ghouls.

The warband.
We played a pair of linked scenarios set around a cursed village, deep in the sandier regions of Shyish with a troupe of Trasure Hunters trying to locate as much loot as possible while my evil do'ers attempted the same thing.

Ghouls go a-hunting.
Sadly my luck did not hold out in these games and I was beaten twice!  My warlock tried to run for it in the last game but sadly, well, the dice say it all:

"You're nicked sunshine!"